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  /  Payment Methods


Payment must be made for all Orders. Orders are payable in Euros, including all taxes and compulsory contributions. Any bank charges will be borne by the Buyer (including any refund).

At the discretion of ΔΕΣ COLLECTION, penalties of an amount equivalent to the statutory interest rate may be automatically imposed on unpaid amounts at the end of a period of ten days from the date of the Order or following notification of rejection of the bank payment.

ΔΕΣ COLLECTION reserves the right to suspend or cancel the execution of an Order and/or delivery, regardless of the nature and stage of execution, in the event of late payment or partial payment of any amount due by the Buyer, in the event of a problem with payment, or in the event of fraud or attempted fraud regarding the use of the ΔΕΣ COLLECTION Website, including similar situations during previous Orders.

Payment methods as follows:

  1. Payment at the store, only available on ΔΕΣ COLLECTION store pick-ups. The order will be reserved for the Buyer at the store for a period of 10 days, otherwise it gets cancelled.
  1. For payment by bank deposit the Buyer will be given the bank details at the end of the order. The Buyer is kindly requested to provide us with his name and order number as a reason for the deposit and then send the deposit slip by e-mail at .orders@des-collection.com.


No. Account: 6353161010636

IBAN: GR 73 0171 3530 0063 5316 1010 636

  1. Cash On Delivery with an extra charge of 2,50 € (Notice: this service is only available for orders shipped within Greece).

Upon completion of the order the Buyer will receive a confirmatory e-mail (“Order Confirmation”) containing all the information regarding his order.